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发布时间: 2024-09-19 16:04 更新时间: 2025-01-22 07:08

阀门是管路流体输送系统中控制部件,用来改变通路断面和介质流动方向,具有导流、截止、节流、止回、分流或溢流卸压等功能。用于流体控制的阀门,品种和规格繁多, 阀门的公称通径从极微小的仪表阀大至通径达10m的工业管路用阀。阀门在石油石化装置中用途广泛。

美国石油学会(American Petroleum Institute,API)发布了一系列和阀门相关的标准(Standard, Std)和推荐做法(Recommended Practice, RP)供行业使用,以下列出供大家参考。

API RP 591-2019 Process Valve Qualification Procedure / 工艺阀门鉴定程序, 6th Edition / 第6版

API Std 594-2022 Check Valves: Flanged, Lug, Wafer and Butt-welding / 法兰式、凸耳式、对夹式和对焊式止回阀, 9th Edition / 第9版

API Std 598-2023 Valve Inspection and Testing / 阀门检验和试验, 11th Edition / 第11版

API Std 599-2020 Metal Plug Valves - Flanged, threaded and Welding Ends / 法兰端、螺纹端和焊接端金属旋塞阀, 8th Edition / 第8版

API Std 600-2021 Steel Gate Valves - Flanged and Butt-welding Ends, Bolted Bonnets / 钢制闸阀 - 法兰端和对焊端,螺栓连接阀盖, 14th Edition / 第14版

API Std 602-2022 Gate, Globe and Check Valves for Sizes DN 100 (NPS 4) and Smaller for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries / 适用于石油和天然气工业用公称尺寸小于等于DN 100 (NPS 4)的闸阀、截止阀和止回阀, 11th Edition / 第11版

API Std 603-2018 Corrosion-Resistant, Bolted Bonnet Gate Valves - Flanged and Butt-Welding Ends / 法兰端和对焊端耐腐蚀,螺栓连接阀盖闸阀, 9th Edition / 第9版

API Std 607-2022 Fire Test for Quarter-turn Valves and Valves Equipped with Non-Metallic Seats / 1/4回转阀门和非金属阀座阀门的耐火试验, 8th Edition / 第8版

API Std 608-2020 Metal Ball Valves - Flanged, Threaded and Butt-Welding Ends / 法兰端、螺纹端和对焊端金属球阀, 6th Edition / 第6版

API Std 609-2021 Butterfly Valves: Double-flanged, Lug-and Wafer-type and Butt-welding Ends / 双法兰式、凸耳式、对夹式和对焊端蝶阀, 9th Edition / 第9版

API RP 615-2022 Valve Selection Guide / 阀门选择指南, 3rd Edition / 第3版

API RP 621-2022 Reconditioning of Metallic Gate, Globe and Check Valves / 金属闸阀、截止阀和止回阀的翻新, 5th Edition / 第5版

API Std 622-2018 (Addemdum 1-2022) Type Testing of Process Valve Packing for Fugitive Emissions / 工艺阀门填料逸散性泄露的型式试验, 3rd Edition / 第3版

API Std 623-2021 Steel Globe Valves - Flanged and Butt-welding Ends, Bolted Bonnets / 法兰端和对焊端,螺栓连接阀盖钢制截止阀 , 2nd Edition / 第2版

API Std 624-2023 Type Testing of Rising Stem Valves Equipped with Flexible Graphite Packing for Fugitive Emissions / 带柔性石墨填料的升降阀杆阀门逸散性泄露的型式试验, 2nd Edition / 第2版

API Std 641-2023 Type Testing of Quarter-turn Valves for Fugitive Emissions / 1/4回转阀门逸散性泄露的型式试验, 2nd Edition / 第2版


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